

What is inclusivity? Inclusiveness means fair treatment of all categories of people, supporting the same opportunities for all regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, background, or other individual characteristics. Moonshot is responsible for creating a safe environment for all emerging leaders, with a special focus on helping students, early seed developments, and founders without investment backup to come forward. For us, inclusivity is not possible without the inclusion of people with disabilities. It means understanding the way people function and their individual requirements while making sure everybody has the same opportunity to participate in every part of the event to the best of their abilities and desires.


At our core, we believe diversity through inclusion is the key to unlocking success and growth. Studies have shown that diverse teams create more resilient and innovative solutions. By valuing and leveraging the unique talents, skills, and abilities of each individual, we can create a safe and empowering environment for everyone to thrive.


Self-accountability is above all an honest and purposeful commitment to the goal for which you receive the grant. Moonshot defines self-accountability as the proper use of the granted funds. The reason why you would have been chosen to receive the funding is to accelerate your individual mission (to fund your schooling or contribute to the development of the initiative or organization, etc.), from the implementation of which both you and the community would benefit. Remember, you are responsible for your goals. Do not let yourself down!


Self-efficacy or in other words, your optimistic attitude towards success and confidence in your competence, will allow you to create goals out of dreams and fulfill them. At Moonshot, we believe that the key feature that helps attain the goals is self-efficacy. The successful accomplishment of a task requires not only a set of necessary skills but also a mindset that will allow you to overcome the inevitable challenges.

Gandhi perfectly understood the pivotal role that self-belief plays in our lives: “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

Gandhi perfectly understood the pivotal role that self-belief plays in our lives: “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”